3.9 assessment- V for Vendetta


Through the use of cinematography techniques being montage and dialogue, director James McTeigue was able to unveil his intention of the power of an idea and how an idea can last forever. These intentions come very clear to us in two very important scenes, the domino scene and the fight scene. V, the highly focused character in the film, lives his life under a mask, he is a vigilante who has made it his priority to override the fascist government and restore justice in England. When we think about V, we don’t think of him just as a character in a film, but an idea.

domino scene

The use of montage and dialogue in the domino scene was one of the most prominent ways that McTeigue portrayed the power of an idea. At the beginning of the scene, we are introduced through an intense conversation between the chancellor and Mr. Creedy. This conversation expresses the stress and concern that their establishment is crumbling under their feet because of V. These are one of the many ideas we are able to connect with, due to McTeigue’s use of dialogue. We are able to further our understanding of this through the sophisticated use of montage. As the first domino is dropped, the scene jumps to a delivery truck, containing several thousand Guy-Fawkes maks. The masks help deliver McTeigue’s idea, Thousands of citizens are wearing these masks in honor of V, amplifying the chaos that V lives for while making the search for him near to impossible. “This is exactly what he wants, chaos. The only problem is he knows us better than we know ourselves, it was like a perfect pattern, laid out in front of me and I realized that we were all a part of it. And all trapped by it” This speculating quote delivered by Mr finch creates tension, the scene jumps between dialogue to all the events that surrounded V. “I suddenly had this feeling that everything was connected. It was like I could see the whole thing, one chain of events” As Mr. Finch’s speech nears the end, we are exposed to every piece of detail that has to lead up to this exact moment and foreshadowing. The mix of montage and dialogue in this scene is somewhat overpowering as a prospective viewer. As the dominoes fall, the scene once again cuts to clips of. street riots, which represent the Chaos that V wants. The domino scene really helps bring light to McTeigue’s overall message. V is an anti-hero. he uses the power and strength he has, to create a difference. V not only represents himself, but the people, the society, and the idea.

In the fight scene, McTeigue used soundtrack and dialogue to present the power of an idea. Dialogue snd soundtrack is intertwined in this scene to help bring the movie to a close. these in combination

“The only thing you and I have in-common mr Creedy, is we are both about to die”

the dialogue and soundtrack in the fight scene, helps intensify the scene. V wants to take control of the government

The idea of the masks being delivered furthers the message that V could be anyone.

The use of montage is weaved into this scene, which creates the idea that chaos is about to erupt through London.

fight scene


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– read your sentences aloud to ensure they make sense; some of your word choices are incorrect for the sentence’s meaning
– make sure your quotes aren’t too long
– Include all four elements of the task in your writing. Also reflect on how the techniques present the director’s intention.

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